How to merge massive formatting-only commits between git branches

*** As always, first backup everything (your git working directory etc.) ***

Let’s assume formatting changed in branch A, and you’re working in branch B

To make life easier, prepare two git clones, the other one is checked out
with branch A (in dir gitA), the other one with branch B (in dir gitB).
You need to have both branches in gitB up-to-date, so:

gitB> checkout A
gitB> git pull
gitB> checkout B
gitB> git pull

Let’s assume the formatting-only megacommit has hashcode AAAA and the commit
before that has hashcode BBBB. You can check the latest commits to
branch A like this:

gitA> git log | less

First, merge A to B until the last commit before the formatting-only commit.

gitB> git merge BBBB

Do the usual merge-stuff and commit. Do not push. For later analysis store
the changed filenames:

gitB> git diff --name-only A > ../diffsbeforemerge

Close Eclipse or other clever software that is holding to your git working clone.


gitB> git clean -d -x -f .

Copy all files to a safe place, e.g.

gitB> cd ..
xxxx> tar cf gitB.tar gitB

Create another tar file without .git directory:

xxxx> cp gitB.tar gitB-nogit.tar
xxxx> tar --delete -f gitB-nogit.tar gitB/.git

Merge the formatting-only megacommit (hashcode AAAA):

xxxx> cd gitB
gitB> git merge AAAA

Don’t worry about any conflicts… Just copy over the old files:

gitB> cd ..
xxxx> tar xf gitB-nogit.tar

At this point, format all source codes with the same formatter as in branch A,
e.g. by starting Eclipse and importing the correct formatter and then selecting
all projects and ‘Source/Format’.


xxxx> cd gitB
gitB> git add *
gitB> git commit -m "Synchronized formatting with branch A."

Now it is a good time to check what was changed before you push your changes
anywhere. Remember that you have the backup of the situation before merging,
so you can just wipe away the gitB directory and extract the tarball gitB.tar.

You can check that the formatting-only-merge did not add any new diffs to

gitB> git diff --name-only A > ../diffsaftermerge
gitB> diff -u ../diffsbeforemerge ../diffsaftermerge

Moved to DigitalOcean

After running my external web site and e-mail on a “webhotel” (at for five years, I got fed up to the inflexibility of the solution and started to look for VPS (Virtual Private Server) options.

Five years ago, a VPS was still quite expensive, but as the prices seem to have dropped, they are no longer much more expensive than webhotels. My colleague recommended DigitalOcean so I decided to give it a shot. At first glance, it looked perfect: the smallest VPS has 1 CPU, 512 MB RAM, 20 GB HD and 2 TB monthly traffic, static IPv4 and IPv6 address. Their web interface is very clean and efficient. Registering and setting up a Debian 8 “droplet” only took about two minutes. I got the root password by e-mail and was ready to SSH in. It seems extremely easy and user-friendly compared to e.g. Amazon. It is also much cheaper – just 5 dollars per month. (For more dynamic setups, they offer an API and hour-based charging as well – so that you can e.g. create large Linux clusters on demand automatically from your own software.)

Luckily I had saved the old configurations from the VPS I was running before the webhotel era, so I didn’t have to configure everything from scratch. After spending a couple of evenings with my laptop, I now have my e-mail (postfix, dovecot, sieve, spamassassin) and website (apache, wordpress) running 24/7 in DigitalOcean’s data center in Amsterdam. I run automatic backups over SSH to my home server each night. I also moved DNS servers to DigitalOcean. They have a very neat web page to configure the DNS records and they don’t charge any extra for that.

After a few weeks, I am very happy with the change. I now pay less than I paid for the webhotel, I have more disk space, I have complete control over the software running on my server, and all services at are now accessible through IPv6.

Give it a try:


My OpenBSD firewall: pf + single ISP + multiple dynamic IPs – v3

Upgrading my firewall to OpenBSD 5.3 required updating my “multihoming-with-single-ISP” patch (see previous and original posts), as dhclient-script is no longer used. Instead, there is a new file, kroute.c. Luckily, moving the functionality from the shell script into C code was quite straightforward.

Here is the current patch to /usr/src/sbin/dhclient:

--- dhclient.c.orig	2013-08-02 10:17:29.000000000 +0300
+++ dhclient.c	2013-08-02 10:17:29.000000000 +0300
@@ -858,7 +858,10 @@
 	client->xid = arc4random();
-	if (client->active->options[DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER].len == 4) {
+	/*if (client->active->options[DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER].len == 4) {*/
+	if (0 && client->active->options[DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER].len == 4) {
--- kroute.c.orig	2013-08-02 10:17:29.000000000 +0300
+++ kroute.c	2013-08-02 20:20:42.000000000 +0300
@@ -256,6 +256,9 @@
 	struct sockaddr_rtlabel label;
 	struct iovec iov[5];
 	int s, len, i, iovcnt = 0;
+	char buf[256];
 	 * Add a default route via the specified address.
@@ -339,6 +342,17 @@
 	iov[iovcnt].iov_base = &label;
 	iov[iovcnt++].iov_len = sizeof(label);
+	/* Update next hop to pf route-to rules */
+	snprintf(buf, 256, "/sbin/pfctl -t gw_%s -T flush", ifi->name);
+	if (system(buf))
+		warning("failed to flush pf table: %s", strerror(errno));
+	snprintf(buf, 256, "/sbin/pfctl -t gw_%s -T add %s", ifi->name,
+		inet_ntoa(gateway.sin_addr));
+	if (system(buf))
+		warning("failed to add to pf table: %s", strerror(errno));
 	/* Check for EEXIST since other dhclient may not be done. */
 	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
 		if (writev(s, iov, iovcnt) != -1)

Here is the patch to /etc/rc:

--- rc.orig	2013-08-02 10:17:29.000000000 +0300
+++ rc	2013-08-02 10:17:29.000000000 +0300
@@ -357,6 +357,14 @@
 	mv -f /etc/ /etc/resolv.conf
 	touch /etc/resolv.conf
+# Allow em0 to receive vlan packets with different MAC addresses
+ifconfig em0 up
+ifconfig bridge0 create
+brconfig bridge0 add em0
 . /etc/netstart
 echo rekey > /dev/arandom	# any write triggers an RC4 rekey
@@ -370,6 +378,16 @@
+# Initialise next hops for pf's route-to rules
+pfctl -t gw_vlan201 -T add \
+    `netstat -f inet -rn | grep default | grep vlan201 | awk '{print $2}'`
+pfctl -t gw_vlan202 -T add \
+    `netstat -f inet -T1 -rn | grep default | grep vlan202 | awk '{print $2}'`
+pfctl -t gw_vlan203 -T add \
+    `netstat -f inet -T2 -rn | grep default | grep vlan203 | awk '{print $2}'`
 mount -s /usr >/dev/null 2>&1
 mount -s /var >/dev/null 2>&1

And finally, this is a working /etc/pf.conf:

# Macros

if_int      = "re0"
if_ext1     = "vlan201"
if_ext2     = "vlan202"
if_ext3     = "vlan203"
if_extv6    = "gif0"
all_ifs     = "{" $if_int $if_ext1 $if_ext2 $if_ext3 $if_extv6 "}"
ext_ifs     = "{" $if_ext1 $if_ext2 $if_ext3 $if_extv6 "}"
ext_ifs_v4  = "{" $if_ext1 $if_ext2 $if_ext3 "}"
ext_ifs_v6  = "{" $if_extv6 "}"

if_int_v4   = "10.0.0.xx"
home_net_v4 = ""
if_int_v6ll = "fe80::xxx"
if_int_v6   = "2001:xxx"
if_ext_v6   = "2001:xxx"
home_net_v6 = "2001:xxx::/64"

core7       = "10.0.0.xx"
ps3         = "10.0.0.xx"

# Tables

table  persist {}
table  persist {}
table  persist {}

table  const persist {   \                        \                         \                      \                     \

table  const persist {         \
    x.x.x.x                            \

table  const persist {        \
    x.x.x.x                            \

# Options

set skip on lo0
set block-policy return
set loginterface $if_ext1
set state-policy if-bound

# Packet normalisation

match on $if_ext1 all scrub (random-id reassemble tcp)
match on $if_ext2 all scrub (random-id reassemble tcp)
match on $if_ext3 all scrub (random-id)

## NOTE: "reassemble tcp" breaks PS3 downloads and may break something else too

# Translation/redirection rules

# FTP proxy states need to override the rules below
anchor "ftp-proxy/*"

match out on $if_ext3 inet from $ps3 to any nat-to $if_ext3 static-port
match in  on $if_ext3 inet from any to $if_ext3 rdr-to $ps3 rtable 0

match out on $if_ext2 inet from $core7 to any nat-to $if_ext2 static-port
match in  on $if_ext2 inet from any to $if_ext2 rdr-to $core7 rtable 0

match out on $if_ext1 from $home_net_v4 nat-to ($if_ext1)

# Filter rules


# Block and log everything by default
block log all

# Antispoofing on all interfaces
antispoof quick for $all_ifs

# Block private addresses on external interfaces
block drop in  quick on $ext_ifs from 
block drop out quick on $ext_ifs to   

# Block IPv6 on external IPv4 interfaces
block drop quick on $ext_ifs_v4 inet6 all

# Block IPv4 on external IPv6 interfaces
block drop quick on $ext_ifs_v6 inet all


# if_int #

# FTP proxy
pass in quick on $if_int inet proto tcp from $home_net_v4 to port ftp \
    divert-to port 8021

# ps3
pass in quick on $if_int from $ps3 to $if_int_v4
pass in quick on $if_int from $ps3 route-to ($if_ext3 )

# core7
pass in quick on $if_int from $core7 to $if_int_v4
pass in quick on $if_int from $core7 route-to ($if_ext2 )

# Other home network nodes
pass in quick on $if_int from $home_net_v4 to $if_int_v4
pass in quick on $if_int from $home_net_v4 route-to ($if_ext1 )

# IPv6
pass in quick on $if_int from fe80::/16 to $if_int_v6ll
pass in quick on $if_int from fe80::/16 to ff02::/16
pass in quick on $if_int from $home_net_v6

# if_ext1 #

# IPv6 tunneling
pass in quick on $if_ext1 proto icmp from a.b.c.d to ($if_ext1)
pass in quick on $if_ext1 proto ipv6 from x.y.z.w to ($if_ext1)

# Pass in SSH from addresses listed in ssh_ok table
pass in quick on $if_ext1 proto tcp from  to ($if_ext1) port ssh
# Pass in HTTP from addresses listed in http_ok table
pass in quick on $if_ext1 proto tcp from  to ($if_ext1) port http
# if_ext2 (core7) #

# Steam (
pass in quick on $if_ext2 proto tcp to $core7 port 27014:27050
pass in quick on $if_ext2 proto udp to $core7 port 4380
pass in quick on $if_ext2 proto udp to $core7 port 27000:27030

# Black Ops 2
pass in quick on $if_ext2 proto tcp to $core7 port 3074
pass in quick on $if_ext2 proto udp to $core7 port 3074

# if_ext3 (ps3) #

# Nothing


# if_int #

# IPv4 from Internet to home network
pass out quick on $if_int to $ps3 received-on $if_ext3 \
    reply-to ($if_ext3 )
pass out quick on $if_int to $core7 received-on $if_ext2 \
    reply-to ($if_ext2 )
pass out quick on $if_int to $home_net_v4 received-on $if_ext1 \
    reply-to ($if_ext1 )

# IPv4 from fw to home network
pass out quick on $if_int from $if_int_v4 to $home_net_v4

# IPv6 from fw to home network
pass out quick on $if_int from $if_int_v6ll to fe80::/16
pass out quick on $if_int from $if_int_v6ll to ff02::/16
pass out quick on $if_int from $if_int_v6   to $home_net_v6
pass out quick on $if_int from $if_int_v6   to ff02::/16

# if_ext1 #

# IPv6 tunneling
pass out quick on $if_ext1 proto icmp from ($if_ext1) to a.b.c.d
pass out quick on $if_ext1 proto ipv6 from ($if_ext1) to x.y.z.w

# The rest
pass out quick on $if_ext1 inet from ($if_ext1) modulate state

# if_ext2 (core7) #

pass out quick on $if_ext2 inet from ($if_ext2) modulate state rtable 1

# if_ext3 (ps3) #

pass out quick on $if_ext3 inet from ($if_ext3) modulate state rtable 2

# if_extv6 #

pass out quick on $if_extv6 inet6 from $if_int_v6ll modulate state
pass out quick on $if_extv6 inet6 from $if_ext_v6 modulate state
pass out quick on $if_extv6 inet6 from $home_net_v6 modulate state